SEMI 3D11 - Terminology for Through Glass Via and Blind Via in Glass Geometrical Metrology -

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Non-Member Price: $187.00

Volume(s): 3D-IC
Language: English
Type: Single Standards Download (.pdf)
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Title: SEMI 3D11-1214 (Reapproved 0420) - Current



NOTICE: This Document was reapproved with minor editorial changes.


The purpose of this Document is to provide clear and commonly accepted definitions of through glass via (TGV) and to provide a consistent terminology for the understanding and discussion of metrology issues important them.


This Document attempts to describe measurands and geometrical features of through and blind vias in glass.


The focus of this Document is on geometry-related metrology and measurands important for definition and control of fabrication and inspection operations on structures that include openings for TGV.


This Document is intended for through glass vias and blind vias in glass.


This Document can be applied to all through and blind vias as they occur in any flat surfaces made of glass, for instance wafers or sheets.


This Document adopts and adapts structure and wording from SEMI 3D1, Terminology for Through Silicon Via Metrology.

Referenced SEMI Standards

SEMI 3D1 — Terminology for Through Silicon Via Geometrical Metrology

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