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SEMI provides experienced professionals and newcomers to the global semiconductor industry with best-in-class technical and business training. The SEMI University curriculum includes more than 360 on-demand courses with topics covering front-end and back-end manufacturing operations, principles of chip design, workplace safety, technology trends and more.
Non-Member Price: $1,499.00
Non-Member Price: $1,099.00
Non-Member Price: $299.00
Non-Member Price: $89.00
Non-Member Price: $119.00
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Non-Member Price: $369.00
Popular Market Intelligence Reports
Our comprehensive lineup of electronics manufacturing and design reports help companies make critical business decisions with confident. Data is the new oil, and SEMI’s market research reports offer leading forecast-accuracy to help fuel our members’ success.
Non-Member Price: $5,400.00
Non-Member Price: $6,800.00
Non-Member Price: $6,000.00
Non-Member Price: $6,900.00
Non-Member Price: $10,700.00
Recently Published Standards
Browse our catalog of 1,000+ international standards, which have been a foundation in electronics manufacturing innovation for 50 years.
Non-Member Price: $187.00
Non-Member Price: $187.00
Non-Member Price: $187.00
Non-Member Price: $187.00
Non-Member Price: $187.00
Featured Events
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Non-Member Price: $1,110.00
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Non-Member Price: $99.00
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