SEMI C3.30 - Standard for Hydrogen (H2), Bulk, 99.9997% Quality -
NOTICE: This document was replaced by SEMI C58 in 2005.
This standard is intended to establish the definitions, general procedures, specifications, and analytical procedures for hydrogen (H2), bulk, 99.9997% quality. Where an analytical procedure different from that provided is substituted by a supplier or user, the burden of proof is on said supplier or user to confirm the equivalency. It should be noted that the following list of criteria was considered when determining the specified analytical method: Reliability; Ease of Use; Maintenance; Precision; Accuracy; Sensitivity; Versatility; and Availability of Equipment. This standard falls under the general specification, SEMI C3, which is intended to serve for gases to be used in the manufacture and processing of semiconductors and advanced electronic devices and circuits.
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