SEMI C102 - Guide for Reporting Density and Porosity of Chemical Mechanical Planarization (CMP) Polishing Pads Used in Semiconductor Manufacturing -

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Volume(s): Process Chemicals
Language: English
Type: Single Standards Download (.pdf)
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Revision: SEMI C102-1022 - Current



This Standard will provide a guide for consistent measurements and reporting measurement conditions of density of chemical mechanical planarization (CMP) pads. This Standard recommends using additional metrologies for measurements of CMP pad density, such as liquid or gas pycnometer metrologies. This Standard does not recommend stopping reporting density parameters using industry traditional metrology based on determining the weight and geometry of the pads (‘geometric parameters’).


This Standard will provide a guide for consistent measurements and reporting of porosity of CMP pads. This Standard recommends using additional metrologies for measurements of CMP pad porosity, such as mercury or gas porosimetry. This Standard does not recommend stopping reporting porosity parameters using industry traditional pore count metrology based on scanning electron microscopy (SEM) or optical metrologies.


This Standard will provide references to industry standards for measurements using well-established alternative metrologies, such as apparent density using pycnometer-type metrologies. This Standard will provide references to metrologies to indirectly assess pad density, such as nano indentation or nano-dynamic mechanical analysis (DMA).


Reference to this Guide can be used in the corresponding certificate of acceptance (CoA), or other quality documentation, from a CMP supplier to its customers. Reference to this Guide can be used for generating roadmaps for the development of new semiconductor metrologies.


Referenced SEMI Standards (purchase separately)



Revision History

SEMI C102-1022 (title update)
SEMI C102-0621 (first published)

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