Career Building Bundle
Bundle Description
The career development process can be complex whether you're just starting in your new position or looking to make a change. In this series of courses, we will teach you important skills in developing and seeking a new position, creating your resume, understanding the interviewing process, and developing your personal brand.
Bundle Objectives
- Learn about steps to follow when looking for a job
- Describe ways to set up job-hunting success
- Understand the importance of personal branding
- Building to plan to track and find job listings
- List ways to network to develop your career
- Understand social media’s role in networking
- Learn how to complete an employment application and a resume
- Learn how to create a winning resume
- Understand how to develop and complete a cover letter
- Prepare and understand what is needed for an effective interview
- Learn and describe how to make a positive impression
- Learn what steps are needed after the interview has taken place
- Prepare for your first day on the job
- Develop and define your personal brand
- Explore manufacturing and review its benefits
- Define six major components of production in manufacturing
- Learn about skills for manufacturing jobs and how to distinguish yourself
- Learn about twelve major subindustries of manufacturing and resources that can help navigate your career planning
Bundle Duration
20 hours
New industry professionals, technologists, college students, and high school students
Requisite Knowledge:

CAR-1001 Kicking Off Your Job Search
Course Description
Finding a job usually isn’t as easy as walking into a local business and asking for work. Doing some upfront work before you start your job search can pay off in more than one way. In this course, you’ll discover everything you need to know to prepare for a successful job search.
By the end of this course, you will be able to:
• Identify what you want in a job
• Know how to find career advice
• Describe ways to set yourself up for job-hunting success
• List the skills that companies seek in employees
• Assess your skills so that you can highlight them in your job search
• Describe how to share samples of your work
• Understand the importance of personal branding
• Check your online image
• Use technology effectively in your job search
Course Duration
60 minutes
Target Audience
Managers, supervisors, engineers, technicians, or any individual working directly with this equipment or product
Requisite Knowledge
CAR-1002 Searching for a Job - Finding Jobs to Apply For
Course Description
After you know which industry you’d like to target, it’s time to start applying for jobs. In this course, you’ll learn how to keep track of the application process, as well as how to find positions to apply for.
Course Objectives
• Understand how to track your job search
• Describe how to research companies
• List places to locate job listings
• Know how to respond to a job listing
• Describe the purpose of an informational interview
Course Duration
54 minutes
Target Audience
Managers, supervisors, engineers, technicians, or any individual working directly with this equipment or product
Requisite Knowledge
CAR-1003 Searching for a Job - Networking
Course Description
Networking is about connecting with your contacts on a regular basis. It’s not about reaching out to your network only when you want something. In this course, you’ll discover how the proper use of networking can help you land a job.
By the end of this course, you will be able to:
• List the ways networking can help you develop your career
• Describe why networking is about connecting
• Understand the keys to building lasting networking relationships
• Describe how to meet networking contacts
• Understand social media’s role in networking
• Identify places to network
• Describe how to network
Course Duration
60 minutes
Target Audience
Managers, supervisors, engineers, technicians, or any individual working directly with this equipment or product
Requisite Knowledge
CAR-1004 Resumes and Job Applications - Completing an Employment Application
Course Description
During your job search, you’ll likely be asked to complete an employment application. An employment application is not a resume, though, and you shouldn’t look at it in the same way. In this course, you’ll discover how to complete an application that stimulates a potential employer’s interest.
Course Objectives
• Define employment application
• Describe the difference between an employment application and a resume
• List the advantages and disadvantages of using an employment application
• Identify the two types of employment applications
• Describe what you can do to make your application stand out from the crowd
• Understand the information you need to complete an employment application
• Describe how to handle salary expectations on an employment application
• List what you need to consider when providing references
Course Duration
48 minutes
Target Audience
Managers, supervisors, engineers, technicians, or any individual working directly with this equipment or product
Requisite Knowledge
CAR-1005 Resumes and Job Applications - Creating Your Resume
Course Description
In this course, you’ll find out how to create a resume that helps you win employers over. You’ll discover how to customize a master resume to each position you apply for. You’ll also learn what to include in each section of your resume and discover writing tips to present yourself in the best possible light.
Course Objectives
• Define a resume
• Describe the advantages and disadvantages of a resume
• Describe the most common types of resumes
• Create a master resume
• Describe the contents to include in each section of a resume
• Explain how to handle references
• Explain how to provide salary information
• Avoid common resume mistakes
• List guidelines for writing your resume
• Describe the importance of proofreading your resume
• Know how to properly format your resume
• Describe how to handle lack of work experience and employment gaps
• Understand how to prepare your resume for upload
Course Duration
72 minutes
Target Audience
Managers, supervisors, engineers, technicians, or any individual working directly with this equipment or product
Requisite Knowledge
CAR-1005 Resumes and Job Applications - Creating Your Resume
Course Description
In this course, you’ll find out how to create a resume that helps you win employers over. You’ll discover how to customize a master resume to each position you apply for. You’ll also learn what to include in each section of your resume and discover writing tips to present yourself in the best possible light.
Course Objectives
• Define a resume
• Describe the advantages and disadvantages of a resume
• Describe the most common types of resumes
• Create a master resume
• Describe the contents to include in each section of a resume
• Explain how to handle references
• Explain how to provide salary information
• Avoid common resume mistakes
• List guidelines for writing your resume
• Describe the importance of proofreading your resume
• Know how to properly format your resume
• Describe how to handle lack of work experience and employment gaps
• Understand how to prepare your resume for upload
Course Duration
72 minutes
Target Audience
Managers, supervisors, engineers, technicians, or any individual working directly with this equipment or product
Requisite Knowledge
CAR-1006 Resumes and Job Applications - Crafting a Cover Letter
A cover letter is a key part of your job search. Without a compelling cover letter, an employer won’t look at your resume. Your cover letter needs to attract employers’ interest by showing how you can help them.
By the end of this course, you will be able to:
• Describe the purpose of a cover
• Understand why you need to customize your cover letter
• Describe how to address your cover letter
• List tips for writing your cover letter
• Describe the parts of a cover letter
• Understand the importance of proofreading your cover letter
• Describe how to format your cover letter
Course Duration
42 minutes
Target Audience
Managers, supervisors, engineers, technicians, or any individual working directly with this equipment or product
Requisite Knowledge
CAR-1007 Interviewing - Understanding the Interview Process
Course Description
In this course, you’ll learn about the interview process. You’ll discover the purpose of an interview and the keys to interviewing well. You’ll also find out about the different types of interviews and what you need to do to prepare for an interview.
By the end of this course, you will be able to:
• Describe what an interview is
• Understand the importance of an interview
• Explain how to view the interview process
• List keys for interviewing well
• Describe the interview process
• Describe the different types of interviews
• Describe the structure of a typical interview
• List what you need to do to prepare for an interview
Course Duration
48 minutes
Target Audience
Managers, supervisors, engineers, technicians, or any individual working directly with this equipment or product
Requisite Knowledge
CAR-1008 Interviewing - Making a Positive Impression
Course Description
In this course, you’ll discover how you can increase your chances of getting a job offer. You’ll learn how to make a positive impression with your appearance and handshake. You’ll also find advice for how to behave when you arrive at the interview and during the interview.
By the end of this course, you will be able to:
• Understand the importance of making a good first impression
• Describe how to prepare for unexpected employer contact
• Explain how to reply to job contact initiated through email and by phone
• Describe how to use a phone interview to land an in-person interview
• Use your appearance to make a positive impression
• Explain how to behave when you arrive at an interview
• Describe how to shake hands properly
• Understand how body language impacts communication
• Describe how to act professionally during an interview
• List common interviewing mistakes
• Explain how to behave during lunch and video interviews
Course Duration
78 minutes
Target Audience
Managers, supervisors, engineers, technicians, or any individual working directly with this equipment or product
Requisite Knowledge
CAR-1009 Interviewing - Responding to Interview Questions
Course Description
In this course, you’ll discover how to prepare your answers for common interview questions. You’ll also get the opportunity to choose the best answers to common interview questions and find out whether your responses earned you a job at the end of the course.
By the end of this course, you will be able to:
• Sell yourself during the interview process
• Identify what issue an employer is concerned about based on the questions asked
• Prepare your answers to common interview questions
• Describe how to answer tough interview questions
• Choose appropriate questions to ask during an interview
• End the interview on a positive note
Course Duration
42 minutes
Target Audience
Managers, supervisors, engineers, technicians, or any individual working directly with this equipment or product
Requisite Knowledge
CAR-1010 Interviewing - Addressing Special Interview Concerns
Course Description
In this course, you’ll learn about some of the other types of interviews you may encounter. You’ll find out how to identify and respond to illegal questions and overcome objections to hiring. You’ll also learn how to handle age discrimination.
By the end of this course, you will be able to:
• Explain the different types of interviews
• Identify illegal questions
• Explain how to deal with common objections to hiring
• Describe how to handle age discrimination
• Understand how you should respond when you have special concerns
• Explain how to overcome internal candidates
• End the interview on a positive note
Course Duration
48 minutes
Target Audience
Managers, supervisors, engineers, technicians, or any individual working directly with this equipment or product
Requisite Knowledge
CAR-1011 Interviewing - After the Interview
Course Description
In this course, you’ll learn what you need to do after an interview. You’ll find out how to gauge your thoughts about an interview before time causes them to fade. You’ll also discover why you need to send a thank-you note and when it’s okay to follow up. You’ll find out how to evaluate, negotiate, and accept or decline an offer. Finally, you’ll learn how to properly resign from your current job.
By the end of this course, you will be able to:
• Define the parking lot test
• Understand how to write and send a thank-you note
• Identify the types of employment tests you may be asked to take
• List the components of a job offer
• Explain how to evaluate an offer
• Explain how to negotiate an offer
• Understand offer contingencies
• Describe how to handle multiple offers
• Explain how to respond to an offer
• Explain how to give notice at your current job
• Describe how to handle counteroffers
• Be prepared to be escorted out of the building
Course Duration
54 minutes
Target Audience
Managers, supervisors, engineers, technicians, or any individual working directly with this equipment or product
Requisite Knowledge
CAR-1012 Keeping a Job - Surviving Your First Day on the Job
In this course, you’ll learn how to make the most out of your first day. You’ll discover how you should dress and how you can alleviate first-day stress. You’ll also find out what to expect on your first day of employment. Finally, you’ll discover how you can create a lasting positive impression from day one.
By the end of this course, you will be able to:
• Explain how to dress for your first day of employment
• List ways to prepare for your first day
• Describe what to expect on your first day
• Understand the orientation process
• List common paperwork
• Describe ways you can start creating a lasting positive impression from day one
Course Duration
42 minutes
Target Audience
Managers, supervisors, engineers, technicians, or any individual working directly with this equipment or product
Requisite Knowledge
CAR-1013 Keeping a Job - Turning a Job into a Career
Course Description
In this course, you’ll learn what you need to do to ensure long-term success on the job. You’ll find out why you need to pay attention to your soft skills, character traits, and work practices to increase the likelihood of success throughout your career.
By the end of this course, you will be able to:
• Explain the soft skills necessary for on-the-job success
• Describe the character traits employers desire in employees
• Identify work practices that help you turn a job into a career
Course Duration
66 minutes
Target Audience
Managers, supervisors, engineers, technicians, or any individual working directly with this equipment or product
Requisite Knowledge
CAR-1014 Personal Branding - What is Personal Branding?
Course Description
Everyone has a personal brand. What does your brand say about you? In your career, your brand can help you move forward or it can hold you back. This course introduces the concept of personal branding.
By the end of this course, you will be able to:
• Define personal brand
• Compare personal branding to corporate branding
• List some benefits of personal branding
• List some myths about personal branding
• List the steps in the personal branding process
Course Duration
54 minutes
Target Audience
Managers, supervisors, engineers, technicians, or any individual working directly with this equipment or product
Requisite Knowledge
CAR-1015 Personal Branding - Define Your Brand
Course Description
Before you can live your personal brand, you must define it. Many things make up your personal brand, including your values, talents, and mission. This course explores the steps for defining your personal brand.
By the end of this course, you will be able to:
• List the steps for defining a personal brand
• List different areas to consider when assessing your brand
• Describe the importance of defining a target audience
• Describe the benefits of identifying your competition
Course Duration
60 minutes
Target Audience
Managers, supervisors, engineers, technicians, or any individual working directly with this equipment or product
Requisite Knowledge
CAR-1016 Personal Branding - Develop Your Brand Messages
Course Description
Your brand messages communicate your brand to your target audience. It is important to spend time and effort crafting your messages so that they convey your brand effectively. This course defines different brand messages you might choose to create.
By the end of this course, you will be able to
• Set goals for a personal brand
• Define different types of brand messages
• Write brand messages, including a brand statement, elevator speech, and tagline
Course Duration
60 minutes
Target Audience
Managers, supervisors, engineers, technicians, or any individual working directly with this equipment or product
Requisite Knowledge
CAR-1017 Personal Branding - Implement Your Brand Strategy
Course Description
Once you have defined your brand and written your brand messages, you are ready to plan and implement your brand strategy. This course discusses the steps for implementing a brand strategy.
By the end of this course, you will be able to
• List methods to communicate your personal brand to others
• Brand your resume and cover letters
• Define a social media strategy
• Understand the purpose of networking
Course Duration
72 minutes
Target Audience
Managers, supervisors, engineers, technicians, or any individual working directly with this equipment or product
Requisite Knowledge
CAR-2001 Manufacturing as a Career - Manufacturing - A Future Worth Exploring
Course Description
Manufacturing jobs are on the rise in the U.S. This course discusses the benefits of working in manufacturing.
By the end of this course, you will be able to
• Describe the current workforce needs in manufacturing and how that number is projected to grow over the next decade.
• Describe how manufacturing outpaces all other industries in salary, benefits, and opportunity for growth.
• Explain the history and evolution of manufacturing in the U.S.
• Describe the varied opportunities and career paths available in manufacturing.
• Explain why companies are choosing to bring manufacturing jobs back to the U.S.
Course Duration
60 minutes
Target Audience
Managers, supervisors, engineers, technicians, or any individual working directly with this equipment or product
Requisite Knowledge
CAR-2002 Manufacturing as a Career - Manufacturing - Components of Production
Course Description
A manufacturing plant requires many components and teams of people to make a product. Seeing people, equipment, and machines working together in symphony is truly amazing. In this course, you’ll learn all the working parts of a manufacturing plant, paying close attention to the production component, as this is the department where most manufacturing employees get their start.
By the end of this course, you will be able to:
• Define the six major components of production in manufacturing
• Identify and explain the different careers that each of these concentrations can offer
• Explain the benefits of cross-training
Course Duration
48 minutes
Target Audience
Managers, supervisors, engineers, technicians, or any individual working directly with this equipment or product
Requisite Knowledge
CAR-2003 Manufacturing as a Career - Manufacturing - Credentials and Competencies
By the end of this course, you will be able to:
• Explain the value of getting credentials
• Define STEM
• Identify the various competency levels for employment in manufacturing
• Describe various education and training programs available to job seekers
Course Duration
72 minutes
Target Audience
Managers, supervisors, engineers, technicians, or any individual working directly with this equipment or product
Requisite Knowledge
CAR-2004 Manufacturing as a Career - Manufacturing - Career Planning and Resources
Course Description
Lean principles are designed to help an organization achieve process perfection. The foundation of lean principles is employee involvement, adding the maximum value, and the elimination of waste. Lean is a journey toward understanding the customer and their needs.
By the end of this course, you will be able to:
• Define and describe the concepts of lean, including pull and perfection.
• Define and describe the elimination of waste using tools like 5S, Kaizen, and Poke-yoke.
• Use a value stream map to identify waste.
• Explain value.
• Define value, value-added, and non-value-added.
• Identify the terms used to describe waste.
• Describe the theory of constraints.
Course Duration
90 minutes
Target Audience
Managers, supervisors, engineers, technicians, or any individual working directly with this equipment or product
Requisite Knowledge