Creative Computing Introduction to Scratch Programming
Course topic:
In this course, we are going to learn about Scratch, which is an educational programming language with graphical interface.
0.3 hours
Participants of the course:
Highschool students and above who want to learn an easy-to-use programming language with graphical interface.
Educational background:
Highschool students, diploma students, bachelor students, master students, doctorate students, and professionals with knowledge of operating computers.
Course responsible:
Company: SEMI
Department: SEMI University
Course lecturers:
Educational prerequisites
Learning outcomes
- Skills
- Launch the Scratch canvas to create your project.
- Upload Sprites and background for your project.
- Apply Motion, Events, Looks, and Sound code blocks to your animations.
Scratch is an educational programming language with graphical interface.
It was created as a tool which would make programming easy and intuitively understandable. Its purpose was to allow users without any programming experience to learn the basic principles of imperative and multi-threading programming and hopefully will encourage them to continue in other languages. Naturally, its application is limited to fun and educational projects.
When people learn to code in Scratch, they learn important strategies for solving problems, designing projects and communicating ideas
Getting Starter
- Course Instructions
- Time Commitment
- Course Objectives
Let’s Get Started
- Launch the Scratch Canvas
- Add New Sprite
- Delete Sprite
- Resize Your Sprite
- Choose Your Background
Let’s Begin the Programming
- Motion
- Events
- Looks
- Sound
- Presentation Mode
Let’s Get Started
Wrapping Up
- Key Takeaways
Teaching methods
This is a self-paced eLearning module and comprises of a mixture of written passages and interactive blocks.
No assessment at the moment
Recommended reading

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