SEMI E12 - Guide for Standardized Pressure, Temperature, Density, and Flow Units Used in Mass Flow Meters and Mass Flow Controllers -

Member Price: $144.00
Non-Member Price: $187.00

Volume(s): Equipment Automation Hardware
Language: English
Type: Single Standards Download (.pdf)
SEMI Standards Copyright Policy/License Agreements/System Requirements

Revision: SEMI E12-0421 - Current




1  Purpose
1.1  This Guide is intended to provide a common basis for values of standard temperature and pressure when gas flow is expressed in standard volumetric units.
2  Scope
2.1  This Standard provides a common basis for communication between manufacturers and users. This Standard is applicable to all gases and vapors used in semiconductor processing.


Referenced SEMI Standards (purchase separately)


Revision History
SEMI E12-0421 (technical revision)
SEMI E12-1213 (technical revision)
SEMI E12-0303 (Reapproved 0309)
SEMI E12-0303 (technical revision)
SEMI E12-96 (technical revision)
SEMI E12-91 (technical revision)
SEMI E12-89 (technical revision)
SEMI E12-88 (first published)

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