SEMI E90 - 基板トラッキングの仕様 -

Member Price: $171.00
Non-Member Price: $224.00

Volume(s): Equipment Automation Software
Language: Japanese
Type: Single Standards Download (.pdf)
SEMI Standards Copyright Policy/License Agreements/System Requirements

Revision: SEMI E90-0312 - Superseded



NOTICE: This translation is a REFERENCE COPY ONLY. If differences should exist between the English version and a translation in any other language, the English version is the official and authoritative version.

免責事項: このSEMIスタンダードは,投票により作成された英語版が正式なものであり,日本語版は日本の利用者各位の便宜のために作成したものです。万が一英語と日本語とに差異がある場合には英語版記載内容が優先されます。










Subordinate Standard (included):

SEMI E90.1-0312 - Specification for SECS-II Protocol Substrate Tracking


Referenced SEMI Standards (purchase separately)

SEMI E30 — Specification for the Generic Model for Communications and Control of Manufacturing Equipment (GEM)

SEMI E39 — Specification for Object Services: Concepts, Behavior, and Services 

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