SEMI E188 - Specification for Malware Free Equipment Integration -

Member Price: $278.00
Non-Member Price: $369.00

Volume(s): Equipment Automation Software
Language: English
Type: Single Standards Download (.pdf)
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Revision: SEMI E188-0222 - Current



The nature of semiconductor manufacturing supply chains requires standards for mitigating potential threats. By preventing the introduction of external threats into the manufacturing ecosystem, device manufacturers and equipment suppliers will benefit from clear mutual expectations and improved equipment reliability and uptime.


This Standard provides a framework for how to mitigate the propagation of malware to manufacturing facilities during capital equipment delivery and support activities.

This Standard addresses the required measures for information security in manufacturing equipment delivery, installation, and support activities over the course of the manufacturing equipment life cycle within semiconductor manufacturing facilities.


This Standard defines protection systems and processes that ensure the integrity of manufacturing equipment, specifically defining the requirements for:

  • Controlling access to manufacturing equipment via networks, removable media, etc.
  • Manufacturing equipment installation
  • Manufacturing equipment upgrade and support tasks
  • Manufacturing equipment restoration, such as hard disk drives (HDD) or computer component replacement


This Standard applies to equipment suppliers, equipment users, and hardware and software component suppliers. This Standard applies to any computing device (e.g., computers, controllers, programmable logic controllers [PLCs], etc.).


This Standard applies to any computing devices and systems located in a manufacturing facility used in the production of semiconductors. This includes process, metrology, and material handling equipment. Computing devices provided by the factory, such as manufacturing execution system (MES), material control system MCS, Host Systems etc., are excluded from this Standard.


Referenced SEMI Standards (purchase separately)



Revision History

SEMI E188-0222 (first published)

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