SEMI F28 - Test Method for Measuring Particle Generation from Process Panels -

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Volume(s): Facilities
Language: English
Type: Single Standards Download (.pdf)
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Revision: SEMI F28-1103 (Reapproved 0815) - Current



This Standard was technically approved by the Gases Global Technical Committee. This edition was approved for publication by the global Audits and Reviews Subcommittee on May 19, 2015. Available at and in August 2015; originally published in 1997; previously published July 2010.


NOTICE: This Document was reapproved with minor editorial changes.


The purpose of this Document is to define a method for testing process panels intended for installation in high-purity gas distribution systems. Application of this Test Method is expected to yield comparable data among process panels tested for the purposes of qualification for this installation.


This Document describes a test method designed to draw comparisons of particulate generation performance of process panels. This Test Method evaluates the cleanliness of process panels in the ‘as received’ condition as well as under normal operating conditions. The ‘as received’ test is intended to enable the user to evaluate the fabrication, cleaning, and packaging techniques of the manufacturer of the process panel. The test under actual operating conditions is intended to allow the user to evaluate the manufacturer’s component selection as well as the quality of the panel design. The specific flow rates described in both test methods are representative of relatively high flow conditions for a typical process panel.


This Test Method addresses total particle counts greater than the minimum detection limit (MDL) of the particle counter and does not consider classifying data into various size ranges.


This procedure utilizes a particle counter applied to process panels typically used in semiconductor applications. It applies to process gas supply systems (e.g., gas cabinets) which include a process panel, an inert purge panel, and a system vent. Both automatic and manual process panels are within the scope of this test procedure. Panels, as defined in this Test Method, are considered to consist of 6.35 mm O. D. × 0.89 mm wall (1/4 in. O.D. × 0.035 in. wall) tubing and components.


Referenced SEMI Standards

SEMI F13 — Guide for Gas Source Control Equipment
SEMI F16 — Specification for 316L Stainless Steel Tubing Which is to be Finished and Electropolished for High Purity Semiconductor Manufacturing Applications (Withdrawn 0304)

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