FabView - Subscription
A 24/7 online platform derived from the SEMI® Fab Database that offers you direct access to data for over 1,000 fabs anytime and anywhere.
Publication Date: Now Available
Principal Analysts: Christian Gregor Dieseldorff and Clark Tseng, SEMI
Format: Online data access compatible with IOS, Android, and Windows
SEMI FabView is a new 24x7 online platform with content derived from the SEMI Fab database. It offers the summary as well as detailed information about fabs from a laptop or mobile device. It is essentially an online version of the Excel-based fab database that is updated with greater frequency with a user-friendly interface. Fab data include region, start of construction, operation, construction, and equipment spending, capacity, wafer sizes, product types, geometries, etc.
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Product Information
- Data download to Microsoft Excel
- Change notification to the subscribers on validated and verified update
- Online access to the most current fab data
- Three years of data with forecast through next year
- Annual summaries of equipment spending, construction spending, and capacity
- Searchable by fab, device manufacturer, region, wafer size
- Fab-specific details include fab type, start year, equipment spending, capacity ramp, close year, fab comment and change made
- Fast and easy look-up to help you stay on top of:
- latest technology trends
- capacity and spending plans of leading device makers and foundries
- on-going 200mm and 300mm transitions
- latest expansion plans and fab closures and transactions
- Rich and timely content with verified and validated data for investment and business planning
SEMI FabView is compiled from publicly available information, including capital spending plans, announced fab plans and ramp schedules. SEMI verifies this information by making up to 50 inquiries a week and periodic visits to semiconductor companies.

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