Hazard Communication - Safety Data Sheets (US)

Member Price: $29.95
Non-Member Price: $35.95

UL Solutions eLearning courses are sold individually or as a bundle. Price is for one SEMI University User access to the course or bundle for one year from date of purchase.

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Course Description 

When working with a hazardous chemical, you must know what it is, what it does, and how to stay safe. Safety Data Sheets (SDSs) explain the information to keep you safe around hazardous substances. This course explains SDSs to managers and front-line workers in industries and environments that require hazardous substances. 

Course Objectives  

  • Recall how information is laid out in an SDS.
  • Use an SDS to find information about how to work safely around a chemical.
  • Identify SDS requirements for both users and producers.


Course Duration

9 minutes

Target Audience 

Managers, supervisors, engineers, technicians, or any individual working directly with this equipment or product  

Requisite Knowledge 
