SEMI HB9 - Test Method and Acceptance Criteria for Visual Inspection of Surface Defects of GaN Epitaxial Wafers Used for Manufacturing HB-LED

Member Price: $144.00
Non-Member Price: $187.00

Volume(s): HB-LED
Language: English
Type: Single Standards Download (.pdf)
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Revision: SEMI HB9-0818 - Inactive




NOTICE: This Standard or Safety Guideline has an Inactive Status because the conditions to maintain Current Status have not been met. Inactive Standards or Safety Guidelines are available from SEMI and continue to be valid for use.


The purpose of this Standard is to provide test methods to visually detect surface defects of GaN epitaxial wafer for manufacturing high brightness LEDs, and to define acceptance criteria for the types, number, size, and distribution area.


This Test Method defines the equipment and measurement procedure for visually detecting the surface defects of GaN epitaxial wafer for manufacturing high brightness LEDs. The test method applies to homoepitaxial wafers on GaN bulk substrates as well as to heteroepitaxial wafers on substrates such as sapphire, silicon SiC and other materials used for manufacturing HB-LED.


This Test Method defines the surface defect characterization requirements and the acceptance criteria for GaN based LED epitaxial wafers.


Referenced SEMI Standards (purchase separately)



Revision History

SEMI HB9-0818 (first published)

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