SEMI M44 - Guide to Conversion Factors for Interstitial Oxygen in Silicon -
This Standard was technically approved by the global Silicon Wafer Committee. This edition was approved for publication by the global Audits & Reviews Subcommittee on December 21, 2010. Available at and in February 2011; originally published March 2001; previously published March 2005.
Over the years numerous calibration factors used to calculate the interstitial oxygen content of silicon from the peak room-temperature infrared absorption at 1107 cm-1 have been standardized by several standards development organizations in various parts of the world. All such standards have since been revised to use the IOC-88 calibration factor1,2 that more correctly relates the true oxygen content of silicon to the absorption peak. Nevertheless, many of the old calibration factors remain in common use throughout the industry.
This guide is a compilation of the conversion and calibration factors used in standards established by various organizations since 1970 for the measurement of interstitial oxygen in silicon.
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