SEMI M81 - Guide to Defects Found in Monocrystalline Silicon Carbide Substrates -
This Standard was technically approved by the Compound Semiconductor Materials Global Technical Committee. This edition was approved for publication by the global Audits and Reviews Subcommittee on December 13, 2017. Available at and in April 2018; originally published June 2011.
The purpose of this Guide is to list, illustrate and provide reference for various characteristic features and defects that are seen on silicon carbide wafers. Recommended practices for observation are referenced as far as available standards. The artifacts described in this Guide are intended to support the development of test methods and to support the content of SEMI M55.
Observed defects on monocrystalline SiC substrates, which are of potential relevance for industrial application are identified and described on the basis of examples, mainly by photos, pictures and other relevant data for these defects.
The defect terminology is reviewed and adapted where necessary.
This Document does not cover epitaxial layers grown on SiC substrates.
Referenced SEMI Standards
SEMI M55 — Specification for Polished Monocrystalline Silicon Carbide Wafers
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