SEMI M89 - Test Method for Recombination Lifetime of the Epilayer of the Silicon Epitaxial Wafer (p/p+, n/n+) by the Short Wavelength Excitation Microwave Photoconductive Decay Method -
In recent years, ULSI and other devices have been
increasingly miniaturized and integrated. As a result, high-tech devices use
more and more epitaxial wafers (p/p+, n/n+) which have substrates with lower
resistivity, because epitaxial wafers are advantageous over other types of
silicon wafers in several respects. For example, their features include
integrity of active region of device, gettering capacity, resistance for latch
up, etc. On the other hand, epitaxial wafers are feared to present serious
problems in their manufacturing process, such as heavy metal contamination and
defect formation in epilayers. Therefore, it is necessary to standardize the
measurement method for recombination lifetime as a means of quality evaluation
of epitaxial wafer contamination, and crystal defects etc.
This Standard specifies the measurement method for
recombination lifetime in epilayer of silicon epitaxial wafer (epitaxial wafer;
p/p+[++], n/n+[n++]) by microwave photoconductive decay method using short wavelength
excitation light source (the short wavelength excitation µ-PCD method).
For evaluation of an epilayer, it is necessary to confine
excess carriers in an epilayer. Therefore, samples of the epitaxial silicon
wafers should have p/p+ (++) or n/n+ (++) structure.
Referenced SEMI Standards (purchase separately)
SEMI M1 — Specification for Polished Single Crystal Silicon
SEMI M59 — Terminology for
Silicon Technology
SEMI MF28 — Test Method for Minority-Carrier Lifetime in
Bulk Germanium and Silicon by Measurement of Photoconductive Decay
SEMI MF42 — Test Method for Conductivity Type of Extrinsic
Semiconducting Materials
SEMI MF84 — Test Method for Measuring Resistivity of
Silicon Wafers With an In-Line Four-Point Probe
SEMI MF391 — Test Method for Minority Carrier Diffusion
Length in Extrinsic Semiconductors by Measurement of Steady-State Surface
SEMI MF533 — Test Method for Thickness and Thickness
Variation of Silicon Wafers
SEMI MF673 — Test Method for Measuring Resistivity of
Semiconductor Wafers or Sheet Resistance of Semiconductor Films with a Noncontact
Eddy-Current Gage
SEMI MF723 — Practice for Conversion Between Resistivity
and Dopant Density for Boron-Doped, Phosphorus-Doped, and Arsenic-Doped Silicon
SEMI MF978 — Test Method for Characterizing Semiconductor
Deep Levels by Transient Capacitance Techniques
SEMI MF1388 — Test Method for Generation Lifetime and
Generation Velocity of Silicon Material by Capacitance-Time Measurements of
Metal-Oxide-Silicon (MOS) Capacitors
SEMI MF1530 — Test Method for Flatness, Thickness, and
Thickness Variation of Silicon Wafers by Automated Noncontact Scanning
SEMI MF1535— Test Method for Carrier Recombination Lifetime
in Electronic-Grade Silicon Wafers by Non-Contact Measurement of Photoconductivity
Decay by Microwave Reflectance
Revision History
SEMI M89-0721 (first published)
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