SEMI MS12 - Specification for Silicon Substrates Used in Fabrication of MEMS Devices -

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Volume(s): MEMS
Language: English
Type: Single Standards Download (.pdf)
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Revision: SEMI MS12-0220 - Current



Although the substrates used in the production of MEMS share many physical and electrical properties with those used in IC manufacturing there are some significant differences as well. There exists a need to standardize MEMS substrates to allow the stocking of standard material, lowering the time to purchase, time to market and overall cost. This specification provides the necessary information for ordering and specifying such substrates.

This Document can be used as a basic purchasing template between the substrate buyer and seller of 150 and 200 mm nominal diameter substrates.


This Document contains the information needed to specify selected categories of substrates used in MEMS manufacturing including information on physical properties such as dimensions and surface properties as well as basic electrical properties.


The values for characteristics, which have been historically agreed upon between supplier and user are listed in tabular form in this Specification. Where values have not been historically agreed upon, the property has been listed with a value to be specified between the buyer and seller.


One or more methods for measurements used to determine the tabulated characteristics are included where practical.

Referenced SEMI Standards 

SEMI 3D4 — Guide for Metrology for Measuring Thickness, Total Thickness Variation (TTV), Bow, Warp/Sori, and Flatness of Bonded Wafer Stacks

SEMI 3D13 — Guide for Measuring Voids in Bonded Wafer Stacks

SEMI M1 — Specification for Polished Single Crystal Silicon Wafers

SEMI M12 — Specification for Serial Alphanumeric Marking of the Front Surface of Wafers

SEMI M13 — Specification for Alphanumeric Marking of Silicon Wafers

SEMI M59 — Terminology for Silicon Technology

SEMI MF533 — Test Method for Thickness and Thickness Variations of Silicon Wafers

SEMI MF534 — Test Method for Bow of Silicon Wafers

SEMI MF928 — Test Method for Edge Contour of Circular Semiconductor Wafers and Rigid Disk Substrates

SEMI MF1390 — Test Method for Measuring Bow and Warp on Silicon Wafers by Automated Noncontact Scanning


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