Preparing for Pandemic Influenza

Member Price: $29.95
Non-Member Price: $35.95

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Course Description 

An influenza pandemic occurs when a virus starts spreading worldwide or across a large number of international borders.   Pandemics can result in fatalities and major disruptions of society, but their effects can be mitigated. That is why companies, governments, and citizens worldwide are undertaking preparations  to delay viral spread.

Course Objectives  

  • Identify elements  of a pandemic and explain the difference between a pandemic and an epidemic
  • Recall how would world and national organizations are preparing for pandemics
  • List the guiding principles of the National Strategy for Pandemic Influenza
  • Recognize ways that businesses and individuals can reduce or slow the spread of influenzas

Course Duration
25 minutes

Target Audience 

Managers, supervisors, engineers, technicians, or any individual working directly with this equipment or product  

Requisite Knowledge 
