Preventing Slips, Trips and Falls: Definitions and Precautions

Member Price: $29.95
Non-Member Price: $35.95

UL Solutions eLearning courses are sold individually or as a bundle. Price is for one SEMI University User access to the course or bundle for one year from date of purchase.

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Course Description 

By knowing how slips, trips, and falls occur, you can take appropriate actions to prevent them.  Take this course to learn about hazards and precautions. This course is ideal for all employees.

Course Objectives  

  • Explain how falls, slips, and trips occur.
  • Describe the precautions to avoid slips, trips, or falls.

Course Duration

5 minutes

Target Audience 

Managers, supervisors, engineers, technicians, or any individual working directly with this equipment or product  

Requisite Knowledge 
