SEMI PV23 - Test Method for Mechanical Vibration of Crystalline Silicon Photovoltaic (PV) Modules in Shipping Environment -
This Standard was technically approved by the Photovoltaic Global Technical Committee. This edition was approved for publication by the global Audits and Reviews Subcommittee on March 19, 2018. Available at and in August 2018; originally published October 2011.
Reliability is an issue that is particularly important in the photovoltaic (PV) industry. Module buyers invest their money on both the performance and reliability of the product. The most promising solution to minimize the cost to both the customer and the manufacturer is to conduct tests prior to shipping, ensuring that the module can withstand the environmental conditions.
This Standard aims to provide a common test method to evaluate damages to PV modules due to mechanical vibration occurring during transportation and shipment. Module manufacturers and buyers, or any other interested party, can thus have a common testing standard to refer to when desired. This Standard is also expected to accelerate development of safer means of module protection during transportation.
The results of this Test Method provide information on the level of module protection provided by the packaging design.
Basic Test System Requirements — This Standard states the basic vibration test system requirements.
Testing Procedure — The general testing procedures are provided with a flowchart, including the vibration test and the pre-test and post-test examination of the PV module performance, according to current IEC standards. These specifications for the vibration, including the frequency range and power spectral density, etc., corresponding to particular means of transportation are chosen by the user according to existing standards (e.g., ASTM, MIL-STD or ISTA) or other sources.
Sampling Method — Usually multiple PV modules are stacked and shipped together in a unit. It is unnecessary, time-consuming and cost-intensive to carry out full performance tests on all modules in the same stack. Therefore, recommendations are made on how to select the modules that shall undergo the pre-test and post-test examinations.
Sample Report and Data Formats — Results and relevant information are stated in the final test report to the customer, and in recommended report and data formats.
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