SEMI PV91 - Specification for Trichlorosilane Used in Polysilicon Production -

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Non-Member Price: $187.00

Volume(s): Photovoltaic
Language: English
Type: Single Standards Download (.pdf)
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Revision: SEMI PV91-1019 - Current



The purpose of this Document is to provide specifications for different grades of trichlorosilane that are used in polysilicon industry.

With the growth of the photovoltaic market, the customers demand for quality of polysilicon is extremely high. Trichlorosilane is one of the critical raw materials of polysilicon production.

The impurity content in trichlorosilane may directly impact the quality of polysilicon. The standard for trichlorosilane is to guide the production plants to obtain higher quality materials.

This Document covers the requirements for all grades of trichlorosilane used in the polysilicon production industry.

If analytical methods are incomplete, the requirements are presented as a guideline.

Referenced SEMI Standards

SEMI C10 –– Guide for Determination of Method Detection Limits

SEMI C28 –– Specification and Guide for Hydrofluoric Acid

SEMI C35 –– Specification and Guide for Nitric Acid

SEMI MF1630 –– Test Method for Low Temperature FT-IR Analysis of Single Crystal Silicon for III-V Impurities

SEMI MF1723 –– Practice for Evaluation of Polycrystalline Silicon Rods by Float-Zone Crystal Growth and Spectroscopy

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