SEMI S18 - Environmental, Health and Safety Guideline for Flammable Silicon Compounds -
This Safety Guideline was technically approved by the Environmental Health & Safety Global Technical Committee. This edition was approved for publication by the global Audits and Reviews Subcommittee on May 22, 2018. Available at and in August 2018; originally published November 2002; previously published March 2012.
This Safety Guideline is intended as a minimum set of safety and health criteria for storage, handling, and use of flammable silicon compounds from supply to abatement.
This Safety Guideline is also intended as a minimum set of safety and health design criteria for semiconductor, FPD, PV manufacturing equipment and other equipment that uses flammable silicon compounds for processing.
Flammable silicon compounds that are within the scope of this Safety Guideline are shown in Table 1.
Flammable mixtures containing flammable silicon compounds included in the Table 1 are also within the scope of this Safety Guideline.
In some sections of this Safety Guideline, as well as in some of the included supplementary materials, the columns to the right of the text designate to which flammable silicon compounds the text applies. In the headers of those columns: "CG" designates ‘compressed gas,’ "LG" designates ‘liquefied compressed gas,’ and "L" designates ‘liquid.’ Where there are no such columns, the material applies to all of the flammable silicon compounds included in the scope of this Document.
Referenced SEMI Standards
SEMI F1 — Specification for Leak Integrity of High-Purity Gas Piping Systems and Components
SEMI F5 — Guide for Gaseous Effluent Handling
SEMI F6 — Guide for Secondary Containment of Hazardous Gas Piping Systems
SEMI S1 — Safety Guideline for Equipment Safety Labels
SEMI S2 — Environmental, Health, and Safety Guideline for Semiconductor Manufacturing Equipment
SEMI S4 — Safety Guideline for the Separation of Chemical Cylinders Contained in Dispensing Cabinets
SEMI S5 — Safety Guideline for Sizing and Identifying Flow Limiting Devices for Gas Cylinder Valves
SEMI S6 — Environmental, Health, and Safety Guideline for Exhaust Ventilation of Semiconductor Manufacturing Equipment
SEMI S10 — Safety Guideline for Risk Assessment and Risk Evaluation Process
SEMI S13 — Environmental, Health and Safety Guideline for Documents Provided to the Equipment User for Use with Semiconductor Manufacturing Equipment
SEMI S14 — Safety Guidelines for Fire Risk Assessment and Mitigation for Semiconductor Manufacturing Equipment
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