SEMI T21 - Specification for Organization Identification by Digital Certificate Issued from Certificate Service Body (CSB) for Anti-Counterfeiting Traceability in Components Supply Chain -

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Volume(s): Traceability
Language: English
Type: Single Standards Download (.pdf)
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Revision: SEMI T21-0314 (Reapproved 0919) - Current



NOTICE: This Standard or Safety Guideline has an Inactive Status because the conditions to maintain Current Status have not been met. Inactive Standards or Safety Guidelines are available from SEMI and continue to be valid for use.

1  Purpose
1.1  Counterfeiting is a serious and growing problem in the worldwide industry. Various risks to the human security and life have become extremely high, when such counterfeited products are used in cars, and medical equipment, for example. One of the effective measures is introducing track and traceability supply chain system to identify all the buyers of components. In order to identify all the buyers of components within the logistics world, it is necessary to specify the identification of components, container-box, and the organization.
NOTE 1: The method of identifying the components and container box in the logistics is specified by the SEMI Draft Document for Specification for Traceability by Self Authentication Service Body and Authentication Service Body which is under development.
1.1.1  Common Form of the Certificate Profile — There is an effective method of using X.509 certificate  for identifying buyers in supply chain track and trace system. It is important that the organization information recorded on the certificate not only be correct, but to enable automation of track. Because the profile which X.509 defines has some ambiguity, it is necessary to standardize profiles into a common form.
1.1.2  CSB’s Accreditation Criteria — In order to make the anti-counterfeiting track and trace truly effective, the interoperation of CSB are required. In order to verify X.509 certificates issued from many CSBs, each CSB needs to be chained with the public rootCA.
2  Scope
2.1  Common form of the certificate profile.
2.2  CSB’s accreditation criteria.


Referenced SEMI Standards (purchase separately)
SEMI T20 — Specification for Authentication of Semiconductors and Related Products


Revision History
SEMI T21-0314 (Reapproved 0919)
SEMI T21-0314 (technical revision)
SEMI T21-0212 (first published)

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