SEMI T23 - Specification for Single Device Traceability for the Supply Chain -

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Volume(s): Traceability
Language: English
Type: Single Standards Download (.pdf)
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Revision: SEMI T23-0420 - Current



This Document establishes a standardized approach for enabling traceable device ID throughout the IC manufacturing, test, and assembly processes to the point of use in the final system. Suppliers and board-level manufacturers can use this unique identifier to communicate about a specific device for the purposes of performance or failure analysis. The unique identifier will enable the ability to send manufacturing data back and forward through the supply chain to perform data analysis.

This Standard provides a model focusing on the minimum of key concepts, behaviors, and requirements for enabling device ID and traceability. This Standard is intended for implementation by materials suppliers, device designers, device makers, board manufacturers, and system integrators from various industry sectors such as semiconductor, automotive, and medical. This Standard applies to different device configurations ranging from single integrated circuits to multi-chip/3D structures. This Standard can be adapted for use with a range of technologies, ranging from legacy systems to the latest in electronic chip identification (ECID) and 2D code package marking. This Standard defines, at a high level, the minimum requirements for device ID and traceability for new design and manufacturing implementation as well as for backwards compatibility with existing methods.


Referenced SEMI Standards (purchase separately)

SEMI E142 — Specification for Substrate Mapping

SEMI T7 — Specification for Back Surface Marking of Double-Side Polished Wafers with a Two-Dimensional Matrix Code Symbol

SEMI T9 — Specification for Marking of Metal Lead-Frame Strips with a Two-Dimensional Data Matrix Code Symbol

SEMI T19 — Specification for Device Marking


Revision History

SEMI T23-0420 (technical revision)

SEMI T23-0119 (first published)

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