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D01800 - SEMI D18 - FPD基板水平搬送用および保管用カセット仕様
SEMI D18 - FPD基板水平搬送用および保管用カセット仕様 Sale priceMember Price: $164.00
Non-Member Price: $215.00
D01800 - SEMI D18 - Specification for Cassettes Used for Horizontal Transport and Storage of Flat Panel Display Substrates
D01700 - SEMI D17 - Mechanical Specification for Cassettes Used to Ship Flat Panel Display Glass Substrates
D01600 - SEMI D16 - FPDマテリアルハンドリングシステムとツールポート間の機械的インタフェース仕様
D01600 - SEMI D16 - Specification for Mechanical Interface Between Flat Panel Display Material Handling System and Tool Port
D01500 - SEMI D15 - FPDガラス基板の表面うねりの測定方法
SEMI D15 - FPDガラス基板の表面うねりの測定方法 Sale priceMember Price: $164.00
Non-Member Price: $215.00
D01500 - SEMI D15 - FPD Glass Substrate Surface Waviness Measurement Method
SEMI D15 - FPD Glass Substrate Surface Waviness Measurement Method Sale priceMember Price: $138.00
Non-Member Price: $180.00
D01300 - SEMI D13 - Terminology for FPD Color Filter Assemblies
SEMI D13 - Terminology for FPD Color Filter Assemblies Sale priceMember Price: $138.00
Non-Member Price: $180.00
D01200 - SEMI D12 - FPD基板のエッジ状態の仕様
SEMI D12 - FPD基板のエッジ状態の仕様 Sale priceMember Price: $164.00
Non-Member Price: $215.00
D01200 - SEMI D12 - Specification for Edge Condition of Flat Panel Display (FPD) Substrates
SEMI D12 - Specification for Edge Condition of Flat Panel Display (FPD) Substrates Sale priceMember Price: $138.00
Non-Member Price: $180.00
D01100 - SEMI D11 - FPD用ガラス基板の耐薬品性テスト方法
SEMI D11 - FPD用ガラス基板の耐薬品性テスト方法 Sale priceMember Price: $164.00
Non-Member Price: $215.00
D01100 - SEMI D11 - Specification for Flat Panel Display Glass Substrate Cassettes
SEMI D11 - Specification for Flat Panel Display Glass Substrate Cassettes Sale priceMember Price: $138.00
Non-Member Price: $180.00
D01000 - SEMI D10 - FPD用ガラス基板の耐薬品性テスト方法
SEMI D10 - FPD用ガラス基板の耐薬品性テスト方法 Sale priceMember Price: $164.00
Non-Member Price: $215.00
D01000 - SEMI D10 - Test Method for Chemical Durability of Flat Panel Display Glass Substrates
SEMI D10 - Test Method for Chemical Durability of Flat Panel Display Glass Substrates Sale priceMember Price: $138.00
Non-Member Price: $180.00
C06100 - SEMI C61 - Specification for Bar-Code Container Identification
SEMI C61 - Specification for Bar-Code Container Identification Sale priceMember Price: $138.00
Non-Member Price: $180.00
C00607 - SEMI C6.7 - Particle Specification for Grade 10/0.2 Nitrogen in High Pressure Gas Cylinders
C00607 - SEMI C6.7 - 高圧ガスシリンダ中のグレード10/0.2窒素に対するパーティクル仕様
C00606 - SEMI C6.6 - パイプラインガスとして授受されるグレード10/0.1窒素(N2)およびアルゴン(Ar)に対するパーティクル仕様
C00606 - SEMI C6.6 - Particle Specification for Grade 10/0.1 Nitrogen (N2) and Argon (Ar) Delivered as Pipeline Gas
C00605 - SEMI C6.5 - Particle Specification for Grade 10/0.2 Nitrogen (N2) and Argon (Ar) Delivered as Pipeline Gas
C00605 - SEMI C6.5 - パイプラインガスとして授受されるグレード10/0.2窒素(N2)およびアルゴン(Ar)に対するパーティクル仕様
C00604 - SEMI C6.4 - パイプラインガスとして授受されるグレード20/0.02窒素(N2)およびアルゴン(Ar)に対するパーティクル仕様
C00354 - SEMI C3.54 - Gas Purity Guideline for Silane (SiH4)
SEMI C3.54 - Gas Purity Guideline for Silane (SiH4) Sale priceMember Price: $138.00
Non-Member Price: $180.00
C01600 - SEMI C16 - Guide for Precision and Data Reporting Practices
SEMI C16 - Guide for Precision and Data Reporting Practices Sale priceMember Price: $138.00
Non-Member Price: $180.00