SEMI Standards

SEMI International Standards form the foundation for innovation in the microelectronics industry. The SEMI Standards process has been used to create more than 1,000 industry approved Standards and Safety Guidelines, based on the work of more than 5,000 volunteers in key topics including safety, materials, packaging, traceability and cybersecurity. For 50 years, SEMI Standards have helped reduce manufacturing complexity, which enables customer cost reduction, improved supplier quality, and shorter time-to-market. Each year, more than 1,000 companies purchase and use SEMI Standards to improve manufacturing operations.

Individual SEMI Standards

Individual SEMI Standards are available for immediate download. You may view the abstract of the Standard before purchasing. Downloadable Standards are priced at $180 USD and $355 USD each; SEMI Members receive a 25% discount. SEMI Standards currently use PDF file format, which requires Adobe Acrobat Reader for viewing. Search for Standards by using the Search form at the top of the page or browse Current Standards by Volume, Topic, Language and Publishing Cycle below.

G00900 - SEMI G9 - 仕様 スタンピングによる半導体プラスチックDIPパッケージ用リードフレーム
G01000 - SEMI G10 - Standard Method for Mechanical Measurement of Plastic Package Leadframes
SEMI G10 - Standard Method for Mechanical Measurement of Plastic Package Leadframes Sale priceMember Price: $144.00
Non-Member Price: $187.00
G01000 - SEMI G10 - プラスチックパッケージリードフレームの機械的標準測定方法
G01100 - SEMI G11 - Practice for RAM Follower Gel Time and Spiral Flow of Thermal Setting Molding Compounds
G01100 - SEMI G11 - 熱硬化性モールディングコンパウンドのラムフォロワー装置によるゲル化時間およびスパイラルフローの推奨作業方法
G01300 - SEMI G13 - Test Method for Thermal Expansion Characteristics of Molding Compounds
SEMI G13 - Test Method for Thermal Expansion Characteristics of Molding Compounds Sale priceMember Price: $144.00
Non-Member Price: $187.00
G01300 - SEMI G13 - モールディングコンパウンドの膨張特性の標準試験方法
SEMI G13 - モールディングコンパウンドの膨張特性の標準試験方法 Sale priceMember Price: $171.00
Non-Member Price: $224.00
G01400 - SEMI G14 - Guideline for Specifying the Dimensions and Tolerances Used to Manufacture Plastic Molded Dip Package Tooling
G01500 - SEMI G15 - Standard Test Method for Differential Scanning Calorimetry of Molding Compounds
G01500 - SEMI G15 - モールディングコンパウンド示差走査熱量分析の標準試験方法
G01600 - SEMI G16 - Specification for Dimensions and Tolerances Used to Manufacture Plastic Chip Carrier Tooling
G01800 - SEMI G18 - Specification for Integrated Circuit Leadframe Material Used in the Production of Etched Leadframes
G01800 - SEMI G18 - エッチングリードフレームの製造に使用する集積回路用リードフレーム材料のためのスタンダード
G01900 - SEMI G19 - Specification for Dip Leadframes Produced by Etching
SEMI G19 - Specification for Dip Leadframes Produced by Etching Sale priceMember Price: $144.00
Non-Member Price: $187.00
G01900 - SEMI G19 - エッチングにより製造されるDIPリードフレームのための仕様
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