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2229 products

E09800 - SEMI E98 - Provisional Standard for the Object-Based Equipment Model (OBEM)
SEMI E98 - Provisional Standard for the Object-Based Equipment Model (OBEM) Sale priceMember Price: $144.00
Non-Member Price: $187.00
E09700 - SEMI E97 - Provisional Specification for CIM Framework Global Declarations and Abstract Interfaces
E09700 - SEMI E97 - CIMフレームワークグローバル宣言および抽象インタフェースに関する暫定仕様
E09600 - SEMI E96 - CIMフレームワークテクニカルアーキテクチャに関するガイド
E09600 - SEMI E96 - Guide for CIM Framework Technical Architecture
SEMI E96 - Guide for CIM Framework Technical Architecture Sale priceMember Price: $144.00
Non-Member Price: $187.00
E09500 - SEMI E95 - Specification for Human Interface for Semiconductor Manufacturing Equipment
SEMI E95 - Specification for Human Interface for Semiconductor Manufacturing Equipment Sale priceMember Price: $144.00
Non-Member Price: $187.00
E09500 - SEMI E95 - 半導体製造装置のヒューマンインタフェースに関する仕様
E08900 - SEMI E89 - 測定システム分析(MSA)のガイド
SEMI E89 - 測定システム分析(MSA)のガイド Sale priceMember Price: $171.00
Non-Member Price: $224.00
E08900 - SEMI E89 - Guide for Measurement System Analysis (MSA)
SEMI E89 - Guide for Measurement System Analysis (MSA) Sale priceMember Price: $144.00
Non-Member Price: $187.00
E08600 - SEMI E86 - CIMフレームワークファクトリ従業員コンポーネントに関する暫定仕様
E08600 - SEMI E86 - Provisional Specification for CIM Framework Factory Labor Component
SEMI E86 - Provisional Specification for CIM Framework Factory Labor Component Sale priceMember Price: $144.00
Non-Member Price: $187.00
E08500 - SEMI E85 - Specification for Physical AMHS Stocker to Interbay Transport System Interoperability
E08100 - SEMI E81 - Provisional Specification for CIM Framework Domain Architecture
SEMI E81 - Provisional Specification for CIM Framework Domain Architecture Sale priceMember Price: $144.00
Non-Member Price: $187.00
E08100 - SEMI E81 - CIMフレームワークドメインアーキテクチャに関する暫定仕様
E07400 - SEMI E74 - Specification for Vacuum Pump Interfaces - Turbomolecular Pumps
SEMI E74 - Specification for Vacuum Pump Interfaces - Turbomolecular Pumps Sale priceMember Price: $144.00
Non-Member Price: $187.00
E07400 - SEMI E74 - 真空ポンプのインタフェースの仕様 - ターボモレキュラーポンプ
E07300 - SEMI E73 - 真空ポンプのインタフェースの仕様 - ドライポンプ
SEMI E73 - 真空ポンプのインタフェースの仕様 - ドライポンプ Sale priceMember Price: $171.00
Non-Member Price: $224.00
E07300 - SEMI E73 - Specification for Vacuum Pump Interfaces - Dry Pumps
SEMI E73 - Specification for Vacuum Pump Interfaces - Dry Pumps Sale priceMember Price: $144.00
Non-Member Price: $187.00
E06400 - SEMI E64 - Specification for 300 mm Cart to SEMI E15.1 Docking Interface Port
SEMI E64 - Specification for 300 mm Cart to SEMI E15.1 Docking Interface Port Sale priceMember Price: $144.00
Non-Member Price: $187.00
E06400 - SEMI E64 - SEMI E15.1ドッキングインタフェースポートと300 mmカートの仕様
E06200 - SEMI E62 - 300 mmフロントオープニング・メカニカルインタフェース(FIMS)の仕様
E06200 - SEMI E62 - Specification for 300 mm Front-Opening Interface Mechanical Standard (FIMS)
SEMI E62 - Specification for 300 mm Front-Opening Interface Mechanical Standard (FIMS) Sale priceMember Price: $144.00
Non-Member Price: $187.00
E05800 - SEMI E58 - Automated Reliability, Availability, and Maintainability Standard (ARAMS): Concepts, Behavior, and Services
E05800 - SEMI E58 - 自動化による信頼性,有用性,および整備性に関するスタンダード(ARAMS):コンセプト,挙動,およびサービス