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1627 products

C00327 - SEMI C3.27 - 三フッ化ホウ素(BF3),シリンダ充填, 99.0%品質の仕様
C02900 - SEMI C29 - 4.9%フッ化ケイ素酸(10:1 V/V)の仕様とガイドライン
SEMI C29 - 4.9%フッ化ケイ素酸(10:1 V/V)の仕様とガイドライン Sale priceMember Price: $171.00
Non-Member Price: $224.00
C02800 - SEMI C28 - フッ化ケイ素酸の仕様
SEMI C28 - フッ化ケイ素酸の仕様 Sale priceMember Price: $171.00
Non-Member Price: $224.00
C02500 - SEMI C25 - Specification for Dichloromethane (Methylene Chloride)
SEMI C25 - Specification for Dichloromethane (Methylene Chloride) Sale priceMember Price: $144.00
Non-Member Price: $187.00
C02100 - SEMI C21 - 水酸化アンモニウムの仕様とガイドライン
SEMI C21 - 水酸化アンモニウムの仕様とガイドライン Sale priceMember Price: $171.00
Non-Member Price: $224.00
C00100 - SEMI C1 - 液体化学薬品の分析のためのガイド
SEMI C1 - 液体化学薬品の分析のためのガイド Sale priceMember Price: $171.00
Non-Member Price: $224.00
PV00400 - SEMI PV4 - Specification for Range of 5th Generation Substrate Sizes for Thin Film Photovoltaic Applications
P00800 - SEMI P8 - Test Method for the Determination of Water in Photoresist
SEMI P8 - Test Method for the Determination of Water in Photoresist Sale priceMember Price: $144.00
Non-Member Price: $187.00
P00700 - SEMI P7 - Test Method of Viscosity Determination, Method A - Kinematic Viscosity
SEMI P7 - Test Method of Viscosity Determination, Method A - Kinematic Viscosity Sale priceMember Price: $144.00
Non-Member Price: $187.00
P00600 - SEMI P6 - フォトマスク用レジストレーションマーク
SEMI P6 - フォトマスク用レジストレーションマーク Sale priceMember Price: $171.00
Non-Member Price: $224.00
P00600 - SEMI P6 - Specification for Registration Marks for Photomasks
SEMI P6 - Specification for Registration Marks for Photomasks Sale priceMember Price: $144.00
Non-Member Price: $187.00
P04700 - SEMI P47 - Test Method for Evaluation of Line-Edge Roughness and Linewidth Roughness
SEMI P47 - Test Method for Evaluation of Line-Edge Roughness and Linewidth Roughness Sale priceMember Price: $144.00
Non-Member Price: $187.00
P04600 - SEMI P46 - Specification for Critical Dimension (CD) Measurement Information Data on Photomask by XML
P04300 - SEMI P43 - Photomask Qualification Terminology
SEMI P43 - Photomask Qualification Terminology Sale priceMember Price: $144.00
Non-Member Price: $187.00
P04200 - SEMI P42 - ウェーハ露光システムへの自動レシピ伝送のためのレチクルデータの仕様
P04200 - SEMI P42 - Specification of Reticle Data for Automatic Recipe Transfer to Wafer Exposure System
P04100 - SEMI P41 - XMLによる,検査装置,修正装置およびレビュー装置間で取扱うマスク欠陥データ仕様
P04100 - SEMI P41 - Specification for Mask Defect Data Handling with XML, Between Defect Inspection Tools, Repair Tools, and Review Tools
P03700 - SEMI P37 - Specification for Extreme Ultraviolet Lithography Substrates and Blanks
SEMI P37 - Specification for Extreme Ultraviolet Lithography Substrates and Blanks Sale priceMember Price: $144.00
Non-Member Price: $187.00
P03500 - SEMI P35 - Terminology for Microlithography Metrology
SEMI P35 - Terminology for Microlithography Metrology Sale priceMember Price: $144.00
Non-Member Price: $187.00
P03400 - SEMI P34 - 230mm方形フォトマスク基板の仕様
SEMI P34 - 230mm方形フォトマスク基板の仕様 Sale priceMember Price: $171.00
Non-Member Price: $224.00
P03400 - SEMI P34 - Specification for 230 mm Square Photomask Substrates
SEMI P34 - Specification for 230 mm Square Photomask Substrates Sale priceMember Price: $144.00
Non-Member Price: $187.00
P03200 - SEMI P32 - フォトレジスト中のトレースメタル定量のための試験方法
P03200 - SEMI P32 - Test Method for Determination of Trace Metals in Photoresist
SEMI P32 - Test Method for Determination of Trace Metals in Photoresist Sale priceMember Price: $144.00
Non-Member Price: $187.00
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