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1629 products

M06300 - SEMI M63 - Test Method for Measuring the Al Fraction in AlGaAs on GaAs Substrates by High Resolution X-Ray Diffraction
M06300 - SEMI M63 - 化合物半導体エピタキシャルウェーハに使用するサファイア基板の仕様
M00600 - SEMI M6 - 太陽光電池用シリコンウェーハの仕様
SEMI M6 - 太陽光電池用シリコンウェーハの仕様 Sale priceMember Price: $171.00
Non-Member Price: $180.00
M06100 - SEMI M61 - 埋め込み層付きシリコンエピタキシャルウェーハの仕様
SEMI M61 - 埋め込み層付きシリコンエピタキシャルウェーハの仕様 Sale priceMember Price: $171.00
Non-Member Price: $224.00
M06100 - SEMI M61 - Specification for Silicon Epitaxial Wafers with Buried Layers
SEMI M61 - Specification for Silicon Epitaxial Wafers with Buried Layers Sale priceMember Price: $144.00
Non-Member Price: $187.00
M06000 - SEMI M60 - Test Method for Time Dependent Dielectric Breakdown Characteristics of SiO2 Films for Si Wafer Evaluation
M06000 - SEMI M60 - シリコンウェーハ評価のためのSiO2の経時絶縁破壊特性の試験方法
M05900 - SEMI M59 - シリコン技術の用語集
SEMI M59 - シリコン技術の用語集 Sale priceMember Price: $171.00
Non-Member Price: $224.00
M05800 - SEMI M58 - Test Method for Evaluating DMA Based Particle Deposition Systems and Processes
M05800 - SEMI M58 - DMAを基にしたパーティクル堆積システムとプロセス評価のためのテスト方法
M05700 - SEMI M57 - Specification for Silicon Annealed Wafers
SEMI M57 - Specification for Silicon Annealed Wafers Sale priceMember Price: $144.00
Non-Member Price: $187.00
M05600 - SEMI M56 - Practice for Determining Cost Components for Metrology Equipment Due to Measurement Variability and Bias
M05400 - SEMI M54 - 半絶縁性(SI)GaAs材料のパラメータのガイド
SEMI M54 - 半絶縁性(SI)GaAs材料のパラメータのガイド Sale priceMember Price: $171.00
Non-Member Price: $224.00
M05200 - SEMI M52 - Guide for Specifying Scanning Surface Inspection Systems for Silicon Wafers for the 130 nm to 5 nm Technology Generations
M05100 - SEMI M51 - Test Method for Characterizing Silicon Wafer by Gate Oxide Integrity
SEMI M51 - Test Method for Characterizing Silicon Wafer by Gate Oxide Integrity Sale priceMember Price: $144.00
Non-Member Price: $187.00
M04900 - SEMI M49 - Guide for Specifying Geometry Measurement Systems for Silicon Wafers for the 130 nm to 16 nm Technology Generations
M04600 - SEMI M46 - ECV法によりエピタキシァル層内のキャリア密度プロファイルを測定するための試験方法
M04400 - SEMI M44 - Guide to Conversion Factors for Interstitial Oxygen in Silicon
SEMI M44 - Guide to Conversion Factors for Interstitial Oxygen in Silicon Sale priceMember Price: $144.00
Non-Member Price: $187.00
M04400 - SEMI M44 - シリコン中の酸素の換算係数ガイド
SEMI M44 - シリコン中の酸素の換算係数ガイド Sale priceMember Price: $171.00
Non-Member Price: $224.00
M04200 - SEMI M42 - Specification for Compound Semiconductor Epitaxial Wafers
SEMI M42 - Specification for Compound Semiconductor Epitaxial Wafers Sale priceMember Price: $144.00
Non-Member Price: $187.00
M04200 - SEMI M42 - 化合物半導体エピタキシャルウェーハの仕様
SEMI M42 - 化合物半導体エピタキシャルウェーハの仕様 Sale priceMember Price: $171.00
Non-Member Price: $224.00
M04100 - SEMI M41 - 電源デバイス/IC用シリコン・オン・インシュレーター(SOI)の仕様
M04000 - SEMI M40 - シリコンウェーハ表面のラフネス測定のガイド
SEMI M40 - シリコンウェーハ表面のラフネス測定のガイド Sale priceMember Price: $171.00
Non-Member Price: $224.00
M03500 - SEMI M35 - 自動検査により検出されるシリコンウェーハ表面特性の仕様を開発するためのガイド